Application Mobility is vital To Business Continuity within the Crisis Economy

Real TechnoLab
3 min readMar 30, 2021


For businesses, the planet has never been as fraught with risk because it is true now. The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed how we work and do business, and for a few industries, it’s shut them down altogether.

And whilst we affect the fallout from the pandemic, we can’t forget that other threats haven’t gone away — global climate change and therefore the natural disasters it can unleash are as real as ever, and cybercriminals have never furloughed themselves during the pandemic.

Because of the immense risk present throughout the business environment, companies got to ask themselves what they will do to make sure that their business will stay functional through a crisis.

Given the state of the economy, the stakes haven’t been higher. Falling victim to an outsized ransomware attack immediately could spell the top of the many businesses while income and credit markets are tight.

While companies are struggling to regain their bearings within the midst of all this alteration, there’s some good news: Disaster recovery and business continuity tools available today are more powerful than they’ve ever been, and if implemented correctly, they will safeguard data and permit businesses to continue operations through almost any “black swan” event.

The Application Mobility Evolution

In the past, disaster recovery was only nearly as good because the “recovery” part. Businesses would copy their data on a disaster recovery (DR) file, and when a disaster occurred, there would be mountains of knowledge to sort through to retrieve what was lost at precisely the right point in time. This process was inefficient and resource-intensive — for the purpose that it might be costlier than the lost data itself.

Where Do Your Applications Currently Live?

To create a business continuity plan within the age of application mobility, first businesses got to determine where their data and applications will live to best serve their end users — will it live on-premises, during a data center or within the public cloud?

Once they are doing that, they will employ tools to make sure workloads are supported and made instantly portable. Businesses using multiple clouds and data centers should deploy a hypervisor strategy that permits for application and data storage uniformity across different locations and clouds. This uniformity provides real-time survivability, allowing businesses to instantly move applications between locations.

Are You Developing Containers?

Cloud-native development of the latest applications is crucial to making app mobility because the cloud allows for portability to maneuver apps wherever you would like to if a crisis strikes.

However, confine mind that containers often don’t work well with legacy applications, so containers and virtual machines will got to coexist a minimum of for subsequent several years. The painful process of transforming your applications into containers or another baseline hypervisor is that the key to unlocking all this application mobility.

Application-Aware Networks

Even before COVID-19, companies were becoming increasingly distributed enterprises. Remote work was becoming common, and even the office-based workforce was increasingly mobile — performing from vehicles, reception and while traveling.

While a boon for productivity, mobility brings unique challenges to companies when faced with a disaster — namely, with a dispersed network it becomes more complicated to anticipate where resources are needed, and within the case of a security event or disaster, it becomes even more complicated.

Enabling application mobility lies within the expansion of an application-aware network, from SD-WAN to SD-LAN. These networks can follow applications as they move to make sure users have optimized access to their applications from data center to the sting. Combining both SDDC (software-defined data center), SD-WAN and SD-LAN technologies creates fluidity in networks that permits these dynamic changes to trace and report on user quality of experience.

So, whether those end users got to access an application in Portland or Miami, they will move that application to where it most closely fits for that user. The result’s mobile networks and applications, and during a crisis, that instant mobility can save businesses.

Application mobility is that of the new business continuity. When faced with a crisis or security event, it’s crucial that companies can recover data and move their applications to where they’re needed instantly.

If you don’t have already got an idea in situ, it’s recommended that you simply speak with an expert and start formulating one today. Developing protocols and mapping out where your applications and data are housed (and where they might get to move during a crisis) is critical.

If you have already got an idea in situ, revisit it frequently to make sure it’s up so far and effective.

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